Thursday, December 31, 2009

New blog on you tube, see link below right. Happy new year to you and yours. Be careful, accidents are more likely right now if you are rushing about.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

feels like 2010 is a significant year, a prelude for things to come. A time of reorganizing the status quo. Earth changes likely, feel a shudder. Maybe nothing.
I felt a wave of energy coming from west today during a session. It felt like a wave, likely underground. Maybe this is earthquakes or tremors. Maybe just energy. But, there it is.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas, 2010

I am wishing you all a happy holiday season.  As I already wrote to some of you, this is what I am feeling for the year ahead in general:

 I am in hopes that 2010 will be an even better year for us all, but make sure money is a top priority, especially thru January. Also, make sure that health gets top treatment near beginning of year as well.  Safety or security matters is to be highlighted, but I am feeling spiritual matters are to take on added significance. I expect this year will teach us lessons of discipline, but also of freedom. If anyone gets in our way, it will not be a good thing as we will seek the freedom to search out our goals and express ourselves in a way that suits us best. We will need to take care and not be overly impatient though, as we can get in our own way if so. Breaking old patterns will be favored, and learning deeper lessons concerning spirituality is also on the horizon. Growth on many levels is likely. Relationship issues will also be getting our attention as they will reflect our growth or hinder it, as the case may be. I am feeling we may struggle with what we believe in, and what we hope for. I expect we will sort it out in due time, though. Beware of people who will be spreading untruths this year—people who will be wolves in sheep’s clothing. Trust your gut, your instincts, and keep heart and head in balance as of course, is something we should all do.

I wish you a happy new year-- hope you will check back here again too.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

For today's videos (failed sledding attempt), go to, my link is below.

Friday, December 18, 2009

10 inches of snow, now sleeting. Still have power but hear distant crack of trees.

youtube is where I may be posting most stuff until blogger will allow ATT video posts again. I do not know why all of a sudden, ATT is not an accepted carrier.

I will still put some stuff on here tho and will resume putting all stuff back on here as soon as this site will allow it.

oddly today, even You Tube is having a problem with video posts which is annoying to say the least, but what can you do. :)

hope all is well-- we are having BIG SNOW.  So, staying in and staying warm is on my agenda. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I predicted the death of a spiritual leader this year, and with the pass of orel roberts, I feel that has come to pass.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

good ingredients for good result

keeping promises, treating others well is important for good return. using others is hateful thing to do... we all know that.

Friday, December 11, 2009

thanks to ladies who gave us tickets!

thanks to the 2 wonderful ladies who gifted us with tickets to the Biltmore House. we had great fun.
and special thanks to jennifer for tickets to see Stallion show. i am so blessed to have such wonderful friends.


another view from 3rd floor.

view from inside, looking out

leaving estate

james at winery

old dairy

I saw a man beside james, started to speak to him as I thought it was dave, but- he was gone! seriously. no one else was in hall but us 2.

wine from winery

while i may look like an obese drunk, i promise i am not that fat, and i am only mildly tispsy from the wine tasting. :)

on way to winery

frozen at shuttle stop

at biltmore

this morning

Monday, December 7, 2009

antique on display at grovepark

james might need this. I don't, haha

We go where universe sends us

Sometimes we end up where we are meant to be, whether we like it or not. it is hard sometimes to trust that we are on track when we wanted to arrive somewhere else. we have to choose to see it as a positive or learning experience to avoid a even more upsetting experience. Sometimes, we can figure out why things happened and know it is best. sometimes, we just have to trust that is so, even if it doesn't feel like it.


I am pretty sure we had walked many many miles in this mall, haha.

jayme and dave

gingerbread still

gingerbread everywhere!

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Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

grovepark inn

here I am not at biltmore

i'm at grovepark due to forgotten tickets
but actually,this was a beautiful place to be after all.
Forgot tickets to biltmore house. Came to far to turn around. Sucks.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to link this to facebook. This is a test to see if it publishes on my wall!